
Explore Database

Donations Database

Total donations: £68,790,205.68

Date Member Entity Entity Category Value Nature
1/1/1970 Sir Liam Fox Company £0.00
1/1/1970 Jeremy Hunt Individual £0.00 other
1/1/1970 Alan Johnson Unidentifiable Donor £0.00 other
1/1/1970 Kitty Ussher N/A £0.00
1/1/1970 Lord Hague of Richmond N/A £0.00 other
1/1/1970 Graham Stuart Unincorporated Association £0.00 other
1/1/1970 Mr John Swinney Company £1,000.00 other
6/1/1990 Lord Maginnis of Drumglass Other £4,000.00 service
4/28/1995 Lord Prescott Company £0.00 service
12/1/1996 Lord Campbell of Pittenweem Registered Political Party £0.00 service