
Explore Database

Who is paying

Robin Swann  £9,000?

Robin Swann

Ulster Unionist Party







Alan Dunlop




Novogen Engineering


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Navigate the world of political interests

Live data from the Register of Interests made accessible through our interactive database.

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Our database contains information from the Register of Interests that has been transformed using LLMs into searchable, sortable and filterable data

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Consolidate connects the Register of Interests to Companies House enabling the identification of relevant companies

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56,577 registered interests, including:

£136m of earnings

£81m worth of donations

£11m worth of gifts

Data-Driven Insights:

Our platform leverages advanced NLP and AI technologies to provide analytical capabilities, turning raw data into comprehensible and actionable information.

Commitment to Transparency:

We ensure that all data processes are clear and open for verification; with our reporting features, we enable users to contest any information they deem to be incorrect.

Strictly Nonpartisan:

Our work is for the benefit of society with the mission to make political data more accessible.


We are currently funded by the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust (JRRT) which has funded us with two grants to date. We share JRRT’s commitment to an open and responsive democracy.

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