
Explore Database

Foreign Gifts Database

Total gifts: £250,700.61

Date Member Entity Entity Category Value Nature
12/10/1998 Dr Ashok Kumar Individual £0.00 watch
12/10/1998 Dr Ashok Kumar Individual £0.00 watch
2/1/1999 Mr George Galloway Individual £0.00 watch
2/12/1999 Mr George Galloway Individual £0.00 watch
4/15/1999 Mr Ken Purchase Company £0.00 rug
4/21/1999 Dr Phyllis Starkey Company £0.00 small rug
5/12/1999 Mr Nigel Evans Company £0.00 rug
5/13/1999 Mr Michael Clapham Company £0.00 Rug
7/23/1999 Mr Fraser Kemp Registered Political Party £0.00 one bottle of vintage red wine; donated to a constituency charity
12/1/1999 Lord Hague of Richmond Individual £0.00 hamper